Challenges and Benefits of Online Learning and Teaching

Video report I created in my EDUC 4250-Foundations Of Online Learning course at Vancouver Community College in the Provincial Instructor’s Diploma Program in Dec. 2023 about the Challenges and Opportunities of Online Learning and Teaching. This is the third talking head video I have ever created, so be kind. Received an A+ Have you taken or taught an Online course? […]

The Diversity of the Generations

The Diversity of the Generations

It is important to understand and appreciate the life experiences that Learners bring to a course you are developing. However given the concepts of lifelong learning and intrinsic motivation to learn for sometimes enjoyment or other times generativity (the legacy that an adult will leave behind) we have a diverse collection of learners that could span all five generations join […]

Competence Illusion

Competence Illusion

As per usual, I was scrolling through the massive wonderful world of youtube and I can across a couple videos that I think will help my cognitive processes going forwards, so I thought I’d post them to my site as part of my journey in the Provincial Instructors Diploma (PID) program. Take a look: What do you think? Feel free […]

New Podcast Channel on Spotify

Hey everyone checkout my new podcast called Discuss with Dave. I will use it to record my journey into the Provincial Instructors Diploma program that I started in April 2023. My first episode is a summary of an Article called “The Stress Paradox: How Stress is Good for Learning” Resources for the two applications of the Stress Paradox are below: […]

Rethinking Rewards – The Power of Yet

Rethinking Rewards – The Power of Yet

I was born in 1980 and grew up in the nineties. My friends and I, now in our 40ties, often make jokes about Millennial’s and how they are so delicate compared to when we grew up. For example, in a sports event there is no winner or loser. No one keeps score and we reward participation. Even though I am […]

Experience and Adult Learning

I have always been a very empathetic person. I have had business leaders I report to tell me that I need to turn my emotional amplifier (ability to empathize with others) down a notch or two to be more effective, and I accept their feedback and have found I am more effective when I can dial down my amp. Given […]