Online Course Quality Review
World of Wines – from Grape to Glass;
Assignment # 5 from EDUC 4250 at Vancouver Community College in the Provincial Instructors Diploma Program (PIDP) Foundations of Online Learning course.
Assignment #5 in my Foundations of Online Learning course tasked the learner to search the internet for a five to ten week Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) and audit the course. I was given an Online Course Quality Checklist by my instructor and asked to provide 5 evidence based recommendations for future iterations of the course.
I was asked to reflect on the Quality Checklist and consider how using a checklist either helped or hinder the course review. Finally, What was my biggest take away from the Online Course review assignment?
Below is the Quality checklist I used to review the MOOC: World of Wines from Grape to Glass.
This work is marked with CC0 1.0
This checklist was provided to me for Educational purposes and I have no rights or ownership of the EDUC 4250 Qua;ity checklist.
Course Review – Video Report by Dave Clason in the Foundations of Online Learning course taken at VCC in the Provincial Instructors Diploma Program.
I hope you enjoyed my first Online Course Quality Review.
Never Stop Learning.