Experience and Adult Learning

I have always been a very empathetic person. I have had business leaders I report to tell me that I need to turn my emotional amplifier (ability to empathize with others) down a notch or two to be more effective, and I accept their feedback and have found I am more effective when I can dial down my amp. Given […]

Trends in Adult Education 2023

The acceleration of online learning and delivery of courses across virtual classrooms is the biggest trend in adult education. In my organization the majority of training programs developed were delivered using a traditional classroom-based approach, but the pandemic caused the Learning department to redesign the mode of delivery to online courses, and that redesign had to happen as quickly as […]

About Me

BIO My name is David Clason, I was initially born and raised in a small beach-side town on Vancouver Island, I moved to the Vancouver Regional District to go to college. My kitten Darian and I are bachelor’s residing in North Delta on the west coast of Canada today.  Professional Journey My professional background began in customer service and hospitality […]